CranioSacral Therapy

Experience the benefits of Intuitive CranioSacral Therapy - "CST" . It is a most nurturing technique.   It is incredibly an soothing, gentle and nurturing care for stress, trauma, headaches, jaw pain & dysfunction, neck pain, vertigo, low back pain, chronic and acute pain and systemic tension.

Excellent for physical issues, stress issues, or both.  Gentle  placement of hands to the head, neck and other parts of the fully  clothed body to tap into the body's rhythm.  This quiet, focused therapy  subtly unwinds and releases tension in the connective tissue system  throughout the cranium and fascia of the body.  To put it simply (there  is a lot more to it...) it provides gentle effective unwinding to the  connective tissue system, calms the central nervous system, and results  in deep relief and healing.  Since 1994, I have enjoyed the true gift of  providing this gentle, relaxing, deeply therapeutic work. Imagine just  letting go and allowing yourself to receive a caring nurturing touch  which deeply teaches the nervous system to be calm, and allows your body  - mind - and spirit to unwind and to release deep stress and pain.  Patients report that they feel much better, feel "more connected" and  "deeply relaxed" - the work I do releases and unwinds restrictions and  the pent up energies held deep within the connective tissue system and  it's interface between the skeletal, brain, and muscular systems.  The  cerebrospinal fluid flow through the brain and around the spinal cord is  balanced and the parasympathetic nervous system in enhanced for innate  healing at the deepest level.  Every session  is different and is geared towards exactly what is needed. It unfolds  moment by moment as unfolding interaction between the patient and my  intuitive connection. Some patients respond better to my Intuitive CST than any chiropractic adjustments at all.

Excellent for the sensitive, stressed, traumatized, and ever gentle patients.

  • Emotional  stress and pent up energies which are held in the body are released,  resulting in a deep sense of peace and inner connection.

  • Feedback from the session is provided during or after the session, as needed.

  • Breathing becomes much deeper as the stress of the diaphragm is released.

  • Receive nurturing support for stress and trauma - both physical and emotional.

  • Chronic pain and injuries through the body and beyond is relieved.

  • Migraines and tension headaches respond amazingly well. 

  • Chronic systemic inflammation.

  • Low back pain is reduced. 

  • CST is extremely effective for whiplash injuries, brain fog, 

  •  Jaw  pain, dysfunction, tightness: TMJ disorders respond greatly, especially  with use of work on the muscles of mastication (chewing), including the  pterygoids and other associated muscles.

  • Excellent  for any kind of trauma where the body is too traumatized for the  classic chiropractic adjustment. Successful treatment for victims of  auto accidents who need the most gentle treatments. 

  • Chronic issues respond well - as the adhesions within the connective tissue system are unwound.

What will unfold in your session? It is an art that flows with your body's intelligence and my intuitive and seasoned skill.